From the Camera Obscura Facebook page:

"Our next release will be Ferdinando Baldi's sleaze-giallo NOVE OSPITI PER UN DELITTO (NINE GUESTS FOR A CRIME) from 1977. This is, next to TERROR EXPRESS, the second Baldi in the Italian Genre Cinema Collection, and will have the No. 13! Because the film has never been synchronized, we will present it in the original Italian with subtitles."
"Our next release will be Ferdinando Baldi's sleaze-giallo NOVE OSPITI PER UN DELITTO (NINE GUESTS FOR A CRIME) from 1977. This is, next to TERROR EXPRESS, the second Baldi in the Italian Genre Cinema Collection, and will have the No. 13! Because the film has never been synchronized, we will present it in the original Italian with subtitles."