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Primal Rage

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  • #16
    Free isn't so much a thing that businesses believe in. Costs for free email announcements mount up pretty fast:
    • It takes time for somebody to write the copy, proofread & revise it; create/gather up all those images
    • It takes time to build & maintain that mailing list of recipients (and otherwise communicate with the people at the other end)
    • If it's a large enough list, probably going to pay for some sort of blast service
    • It takes time to plan & set up all the processes & responsibilities for any of this to happen.

    I think Code Red really is pretty shoestring at this point -- there probably isn't a PR department. Sending press releases, screeners, newsletters, and all that other free stuff that keeps customers informed is great, but it probably means hiring somebody to even be able to think about it, and then spending money on top of the staff costs to get it to happen. Probably worth it, but not free.

    I like it that there's still some guy putting out DVDs; I'm grateful.


    • #17
      You could argue that a loyal fan could do it though. Again, that's a lot of responsibility to put on a fan's shoulders but it is possible.

      That's how Grindhouse set up their website(s).
      "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

      Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


      • #18
        This is one of the Code Red discs I wanted to pick up but which went OOP too quickly for me to acquire it.
        'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow' (my photography website)
        'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard


        • #19
          Originally posted by Alex K. View Post
          Stop polluting threads with your nonsense. For god's sake. I feel like I'm screaming at a deaf person.
          No, you don't sound like a dumb guy at all
          Show me all those threads I have poluted according to you and show me all those quotes. I highly doubt you will find anything, I think I would have been warned if that was the case...

          I ain't the one who did post off-topic non-sense in that thread

          Good luck :up:
          Jimmy Simard
          Senior Member
          Last edited by Jimmy Simard; 05-26-2013, 10:23 PM.


          • #20
            I am one man, and I do email blasts to all the key web sites and magazines (about 20 of them) for all my press releases.

            As well as send screeners to key sites where their reviews can be linked to sites like DVDBasen for example so people can find them (I send some screeners awhile to this site, did it not get to Ian?)

            Titles like MAD BOMBER (he should have released it as that) screeners and press info should have been sent to key sites, since it isn't a horror film, it woun't get the same coverage/word of mouth IMHO. Places like DVDTalk or CinemaRetro are good places for this title. Titles like TEEN LUST, DANDY, CLASS OF 74, sites like Mr Skin or DVDDrive-in certainly could have done a good job with spreading the word on this release.

            This might suprise him, but not evryone who are looking for these titles, checks message boards and googles and locates and finds his web site to buy it directly from him. Selling it at etailers is still a must. Many "casual" buyers sitll shop at places like Amazon or DeepDiscount religiously. Or work out something to the reviewers to link directly to his site so the consumers can find it. .

            I am also sorry to hear you think Katarina is a "no name" host, she does have a fan base, maybe 1/3rd of Maria, but she does. And if it means anything, I am slowly doing away the banner anyways, so I can start having either alternate art or collection of stills and posters for the reverse, with her pic just being one photo near the special features on the back of the sleeve, for as I mentioned earlier, this "branding" was to get my label recognized once again to the cult fans, and also to have a separate "division" so I can continue to license more commerical fare. It worked, and now I am at a point where the banner is no longer really necessary.

            As for Bruce and Matthew posting links, I believe they are also doing this to get credit from Amazon? No biggie, but that is my guess.

            Anyway, just my two cents.
            Senior Member
            Last edited by Scorpion; 05-27-2013, 02:25 AM.


            • #21
              Hope that doesn't mean she won't be part of your label releases anymore, I like the works she does on your DVD (and I love her accent)... For me an host is a plus, this isn't like she (or Maria) are interupting the movies like the clueless guys from MSTK do.

              Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
              Selling it at etailers is still a must.
              You won't get any argument from me. Bill should at least have an Amazon seller store (like Steven at Distribpix) that would make people aware of his releases. I have often find by luck that something was on DVD just by clicking on a director or actor name while buying at Amazon.

              At least for the US, because the actual store is fine for us foreigner...

              Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
              As for Bruce and Matthew posting links, I believe they are also doing this to get credit from Amazon? No biggie, but that is my guess.
              You are probably right, but at least they get the words out.
              Jimmy Simard
              Senior Member
              Last edited by Jimmy Simard; 05-27-2013, 02:56 AM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Jimmy Simard View Post

                You are probably right, but at least they get the words out.
                Yep, which is why I said no biggie, any spreading word is good


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
                  As well as send screeners to key sites where their reviews can be linked to sites like DVDBasen for example so people can find them (I send some screeners awhile to this site, did it not get to Ian?)
                  Walt, yes I did get that last package and there's at least two Scorpion titles done and ready to go live on the main page this week, the other two to follow a few days after (I got a bit behind last week, sorry)

                  Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
                  I am also sorry to hear you think Katarina is a "no name" host, she does have a fan base, maybe 1/3rd of Maria, but she does. And if it means anything, I am slowly doing away the banner anyways, so I can start having either alternate art or collection of stills and posters for the reverse, with her pic just being one photo near the special features on the back of the sleeve, for as I mentioned earlier, this "branding" was to get my label recognized once again to the cult fans, and also to have a separate "division" so I can continue to license more commerical fare. It worked, and now I am at a point where the banner is no longer really necessary.
                  I'm curious if adding Katarina resulted in a boost of sales for Scorpion? Outside of the branding, do you think maybe it drew in some wrestling fans who might have otherwise not bothered?
                  Rock! Shock! Pop!


                  • #24
                    Primal Rage

                    I think Scorpion's business model is pretty sound. And Katarina is a very good host - she actually often gives some interesting background info about the films. And I've even read future release news for the label on a big site like so the word is getting out.

                    With CR if you don't know exactly where to look (big cartel direct link/Latarnia) it's almost impossible to find out what's coming out. Which is a shame because Bill has some great titles like MAD BOMBER that deserve strong sales.


                    • #25
                      I've seen some pre-release review at Mondo Digital so he probably send screeners sometimes, but I think it was only two times. The other being after release, but Bill put the titles in his store when he get them from the company who make his dvd and from what I understand they aren't fast. That explain why we don't really see pre-release review, not that it changes anything for me since I blind buy anyway.


                      • #26
                        I could care less about the host bits on both Code Red and Scorpion discs, I have zero interest in them and skip 'em completely when watching. If it helps them sell a few more though, go for it. I do think Bill does himself no favors by not at least sending out promotional emails as Ian mentioned. I feel pretty confident in also saying he would probably sell a few more if he was carried at say, Diabolik. I don't mind ordering direct from him and it's very fast and easy, but it stands to reason he'd move more inventory if it was available at some etailers.

                        As for PRIMAL RAGE, own it and glad I saw it but it wasn't all that memorable imo.
                        I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


                        • #27
                          Primal Rage

                          Yeah - this is all academic for me. I know where to look for CR stuff so I'm fine.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post

                            I'm curious if adding Katarina resulted in a boost of sales for Scorpion? Outside of the branding, do you think maybe it drew in some wrestling fans who might have otherwise not bothered?
                            I honestly don't think by much, but remember, like I said previously, I hired her more for her looks, talent, accent, etc, as she is nowhere near popular like let's say Maria was. But I think it did the trick, but due to jumping onto Blu, her banner got problematic for my designer, as well as titles with two key art (like SAVAGE STREETS, DARK SIDE OF GENIUS, etc), so her banners will stay with titles that doesn't go Blu or only has one key art (like ED AND HIS MOTHER)


                            • #29
                              For the record, I do not have an Amazon Affiliate account. Have never received compensation of any kind. (Not a bad idea though, considering all the time that's been spent plugging away!)

                              The main reason for posting links is to help boost sales, because I believe in what these companies are laying down.

                              But back to the topic at hand.... no CR reissue for PRIMAL RAGE, as I'm pretty sure the rights lapsed. Interestingly though, heard that Netflix UK is/was streaming the film in widescreen. Can anyone on that side of the pond confirm?


                              • #30
                                Dark Force announced this is getting a Blu-ray upgrade.
                                Rock! Shock! Pop!

