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Jess Franco Blu-ray

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  • Originally posted by Nabonga View Post
    All my orders have been delivered to my front door by a postal worker in a big ass truck (I mean a huge lorry now). That's not really necessary. The packages have been very big, too. I appreciate careful packaging but a decently sturdy jiffybag in my mailbox ought to do it. I don't need to have it personally hand delivered by courier and have to sign for it like I've had to so far. Annoying. I guess I'll have to sell off some more dvd's to make up for the extra shipping cost.
    Theres always Diabolikdvd and


    • I suspect ordering from Diabolik will get the toll agency on my ass. Will check out Thanks.

      Oh, not on Cauliflower! Oh, not on Broccoli!


      • On a different note. I asked Severin today on facebook if they had any more info about whether they will be releasing more Franco. They confirmed that they had signed deals for 2 more releases.


        • Severin did a top job with their last release, fingers crossed for the next 2 then.


          • THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MIRROR perhaps?


            • Personally, I would welcome anything, seeing as Redemptions Franco Blu releases have slowed to a crawl. The Other Side of the Mirror would be great though, I've been close to getting the Artus release and re-burning the discs with subtitles, I'd much prefer a proper release.


              • Anyone else watch Love Letters Of A Portuguese Nun on Blu-ray yet?

                Alison and I both noticed a really strange anomaly with the picture where the white hats that the ladies where has got this odd sort of haloing effect around the top of it. The weird thing is this doesn't seem to affect the rest of the image, just the tops of their white hats. A screen cap would probably explain better, I'll post one after work, but I don't remember noticing this when I watched it on DVD (oh, about ten years ago or so).

                The movie itself? It's a lot more grim than I remember. The one lengthy girl on girl scene is steamy but the rest of it, as graphic as it gets, has a darkness to it that's actually a little unsettling. Susan Hemingway seems very vulnerable in the role, which is probably a big part of why she was cast here, and you really feel for her as she gets pulled deeper into the Satanic happenings. The ending feels way too rushed, but overall this was considerably better and much darker than I remember it.
                Rock! Shock! Pop!


                • Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
                  Anyone else watch Love Letters Of A Portuguese Nun on Blu-ray yet?

                  Alison and I both noticed a really strange anomaly with the picture where the white hats that the ladies where has got this odd sort of haloing effect around the top of it. The weird thing is this doesn't seem to affect the rest of the image, just the tops of their white hats. A screen cap would probably explain better, I'll post one after work, but I don't remember noticing this when I watched it on DVD (oh, about ten years ago or so).

                  The movie itself? It's a lot more grim than I remember. The one lengthy girl on girl scene is steamy but the rest of it, as graphic as it gets, has a darkness to it that's actually a little unsettling. Susan Hemingway seems very vulnerable in the role, which is probably a big part of why she was cast here, and you really feel for her as she gets pulled deeper into the Satanic happenings. The ending feels way too rushed, but overall this was considerably better and much darker than I remember it.
                  Not gonna receive my copy until end May/start June sadly. Should have Girls in the night traffic and Mondo Erotico in a couple of weeks though.


                  • Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
                    Alison and I both noticed a really strange anomaly with the picture where the white hats that the ladies where has got this odd sort of haloing effect around the top of it. The weird thing is this doesn't seem to affect the rest of the image, just the tops of their white hats. A screen cap would probably explain better, I'll post one after work, but I don't remember noticing this when I watched it on DVD (oh, about ten years ago or so).
                    Mine should arrive after easter is finished (along with Mí¤dchen...). Got a delivery confirmation today. As you say, the dvd did not have that halo effect. Sounds distracting. Still have the old dvd if it should bug me too much. You're very right about this being top shelf Franco.

                    Oh, not on Cauliflower! Oh, not on Broccoli!


                    • Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
                      Anyone else watch Love Letters Of A Portuguese Nun on Blu-ray yet?

                      Alison and I both noticed a really strange anomaly with the picture where the white hats that the ladies where has got this odd sort of haloing effect around the top of it. The weird thing is this doesn't seem to affect the rest of the image, just the tops of their white hats. A screen cap would probably explain better, I'll post one after work, but I don't remember noticing this when I watched it on DVD (oh, about ten years ago or so).
                      I havent sat down and watched it beginning to end, but when I got my copy I skimmed through it. I did notice it though. I assumed it was from the original print. It looked like it to me. I never seen the DVD, so I have nothing to compare it to. All these Ascot Franco blu's are the first time I've owned any of these films.

                      Im disappointed no one else seems to feel that Doriana Grey's blu is hit and miss in the video quality. Most of it looks great, but the hardcore footage takes a real hit and looks like a problem with the disc itself, rather than the film transfer. Other than that one, I've loved the transfers on all these Ascot blu's.


                      • Im disappointed no one else seems to feel that Doriana Grey's blu is hit and miss in the video quality. Most of it looks great, but the hardcore footage takes a real hit and looks like a problem with the disc itself, rather than the film transfer. Other than that one, I've loved the transfers on all these Ascot blu's.
                        I owned the VIP uncut disc prior, and to be honest mate it was the same. So I don't think its the disc. I can honestly tell you that the blu-ray outdoes the dvd in terms of quality, but because when its good it shines, it makes the slightly inferior looking scenes more noticeable. I wouldn't stress over it as I could probably almost guarantee that if someone else had released it it would look nowhere near as good.


                        • Girls In The Night Traffic Blu-ray is now in stock at Diabolik.

                          Rock! Shock! Pop!


                          • Any one know of any further news/release dates for White Skin and Black Thighs? Seems to have slipped off the radar, my radar anyway.


                            • Originally posted by stinty View Post
                              Any one know of any further news/release dates for White Skin and Black Thighs? Seems to have slipped off the radar, my radar anyway.
                              Will try and find out


                              • I've beein re-assured that its still scheduled, so will keep an eye out.

