A place to post your recommendations for off-the-beaten-track giallo. The sort of films that aren't necessarily going to sustain a thread but still deserve a mention. I figured a collective thread for them is overdue. First up:
Yellow: The Cousins.

It's fascinating how closely some of these films adhere to a working formula. This one is the "respectable middle aged woman living alone somewhere remote who suddenly has a couple of sexy, disruptive, young things turn up on her doorstep" trope. Don't know how many of these I've seen. Sometimes there's an inheritance, usually there's a car crash at the end. It was best done in Orgasmo and Dirty Pictures. This ones not bad though. It's on the budget end of the spectrum so there's no wild fashions, extravagant sets or Carrol Baker but it's not so cheap that it's budget gets in the way of the story. There's as many twists and turns as you would expect from a self respecting giallo without getting overly silly. Probably closest in tone to The Fox With The Velvet Tail.
There is an inheritance in this one but though it ends with the sole alive and unimprisoned protagonist zooming off across a mountain it surprisingly does not end with a car crash. A missed opportunity.
Don't know if there's a good copy available. Mine had a lot of print damage and a strong magenta shift. Perfectly watchable though.
Yellow: The Cousins.

It's fascinating how closely some of these films adhere to a working formula. This one is the "respectable middle aged woman living alone somewhere remote who suddenly has a couple of sexy, disruptive, young things turn up on her doorstep" trope. Don't know how many of these I've seen. Sometimes there's an inheritance, usually there's a car crash at the end. It was best done in Orgasmo and Dirty Pictures. This ones not bad though. It's on the budget end of the spectrum so there's no wild fashions, extravagant sets or Carrol Baker but it's not so cheap that it's budget gets in the way of the story. There's as many twists and turns as you would expect from a self respecting giallo without getting overly silly. Probably closest in tone to The Fox With The Velvet Tail.
There is an inheritance in this one but though it ends with the sole alive and unimprisoned protagonist zooming off across a mountain it surprisingly does not end with a car crash. A missed opportunity.
Don't know if there's a good copy available. Mine had a lot of print damage and a strong magenta shift. Perfectly watchable though.