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The Cannibal Holocaust Thread!

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  • The Cannibal Holocaust Thread!

    Never thought I'd read it in my lifetime, but...

    Cannibal Holocaust @ the BBFC

    ...they finally realised that, once something's head comes off or is shot at point blank range, there is no undue suffering as the critter is already dead. On top of that, I think they finally figured out that the rest of it (the human deaths and stuff) was fake... :up:

    Now...let the internet hoopla and bullsh*t begin! ;)

    PS: I know this is a BIG moment in censorship for UK genre fans, BUT...see if it isn't treated like the second coming of Christ online until the BDs and DVDs actually hit shelves. Time for me to switch off the internet for a few months...

  • #2
    15 seconds is a whole lot less than I figured they'd chop for it - but you know what? If it's coming out cut in the UK, it's probably coming out uncut somewhere else sooner rather than later, so I bet a lot of people will wait. That said, for British fans, this is obviously a pretty big deal and I'm glad for them that the BBFC is finally starting to loosen up on things.

    I noticed this:

    "Company was required to remove a scene of unsimulated animal cruelty (in this case, a small mammal being killed with a knife), in accordance with BBFC Guidelines and policy."

    So does that mean the other animal violence is left intact?
    Rock! Shock! Pop!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
      So does that mean the other animal violence is left intact?
      Yes. I've been following this one, as there's a LOT of hoopla and spin been attached to it (inclusive of Deodato preparing a "brand new" 2011 Director's cut...that excludes and/or lessens considerably the animal violence that he put in there in the first place back in 77/78 when he shot the film). Apparently, the BBFC were consulted extensively this time and they assessed that, with external assistance, the remainder of the animal slaughter didn't breach the Animal Cruelty Act due to the fact that the turtle, monkey and pig all would have been dead instantly. By evaluation they've determined that no additional suffering occurred -- which would probably be correct as nothing "lives" for more than a few seconds or "feels" anything once the head's off. Nerve-endings and receptors to the brain have been severed. TBH, most of that ghastly scene with the turtle was involuntary reaction...


      • #4
        Interesting. Sounds like Shameless left the audio portion of the muskrat scene intact and used alternate footage underneath it. Probably as close as it's going to get uncut in the UK anytime soon. Good for them for pushing the issue.

        It'll be interesting to see how Deodato's new cut turns out and what extras are included.
        Rock! Shock! Pop!


        • #5
          True, true. Btw, wasn't Grindhouse's version authored from a HD master? I can't remember...all I know is that I was disappointed that it was interlaced when I finally got it. But was thrilled to little bits with the entire remainder of the package.


          • #6
            If memory serves correct it was, but I can't say with certainty. It seems like ages ago that came out. Definitely a great package overall, even if the transfer could have been better.
            Rock! Shock! Pop!


            • #7
              I'll be the naysaying a-hole and say I'm still unhappy that its cut AT ALL. I am going to wait and hope for an uncut BD down the line. And Mike is dead right about the nonsense that will erupt in UK fandom over this - its going to get very silly on certain unnamed forums.

              I love Deodato (so much he probably owes me some money for my tireless defense of him!) but his "re-imagining" sounds like a potential Lucas STAR WARS/THX 1138 disaster in the making.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Horace Cordier View Post
                I love Deodato (so much he probably owes me some money for my tireless defense of him!) but his "re-imagining" sounds like a potential Lucas STAR WARS/THX 1138 disaster in the making.
                Having seen a lot of Deodato's commercial films I have to say, even when he turning out crap by most was still pretty good. I'm still a great fan of Bodycount, Dial: Help and Off Balance. I'm still waiting for decent DVDs of Raiders of Atlantis and Cut and Run (which, contrary to popular belief, was produced in two versions [soft and hard] both of which were fully dubbed into English for international sales). And, of course, Last Cannibal World needs a proper do-over, as the last release of it was authored from a PAL master. If someone put out any of these, I would gladly buy them all... ;)


                • #9
                  I'd upgrade on any of those titles too. I'd throw Washing Machine into the mix as well. I like that one, worts and all. Raro seems to be covering his crime films in the US later this year, which is nice.
                  Rock! Shock! Pop!


                  • #10
                    Lets be honest here. England will never become a normal nation. Everyone knows this. But I find it very nice to see that they are easing up on their censorship a bit.
                    "No presh from the Dresh!"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by The Silly Swede View Post
                      Lets be honest here. England will never become a normal nation. Everyone knows this.
                      I think that the riots are proving that well. It seems that, every time there's a major (peaceful) protest there's this element that comes of the woodwork and treats the event as an excuse for violent thuggery, hooliganism and general looting and destruction. Without fail. Every time. I'm not saying that speaks for everyone (Paul and Kev), but it's really alarming to see this things descend into almost total anarchy every time they occur thanks to the efforts of a minority few...

                      And, sadly, it's becoming a global phenomenon -- look at Cronulla in Oz and the events after Hurrice Katrina in the US (where looting and random shootings became commonplace).


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mike T View Post
                        Every time. I'm not saying that speaks for everyone (Paul and Kev),
                        Thank god I'm not English...
                        Let's just get high and fuck some sluts


                        • #13
                          Thought I'd just clarify, as every time I make an off-the-cuff generalised remark about a particular country or place, relating to a news story, some bastard's right there saying "Geez, thanks Mike - you prick" within moments of me posting. And as I always say, I live in bogan (chav) central -- but they're too pissweak here to set fire to the city. Nothing to burn, and it still wouldn't bring anyone into the city centre on the weekend... :p


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mike T View Post
                            And, sadly, it's becoming a global phenomenon -- look at Cronulla in Oz and the events after Hurrice Katrina in the US (where looting and random shootings became commonplace).
                            It happened in Vancouver not that long ago as well. I don't think anywhere is immune to it these days, really. It's not just England, it's the world in general.

                            Kinda makes you wonder who the real cannibals are!
                            Rock! Shock! Pop!


                            • #15
                              Well, I think the rioting in England started with the right intentions, but it got overtaken by opportunists and others just getting carried away with the heat of the moment.

                              For the record, I'd like to state that attacking police stations (which is how it initially started) is a jolly good idea.
                              Let's just get high and fuck some sluts

