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Severin Films Releasing The Other Hell AKA Guardian Of Hell

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  • Severin Films Releasing The Other Hell AKA Guardian Of Hell

    From FB:

    "After much haggling with Technicolor we might finally be able to get GUARDIAN OF HELL aka THE OTHER HELL onto blu-ray. This one has been an uphill battle which we hope will be coming to an end with the retrieval of these film elements today; elements which have being patiently waiting, untouched in their vault, for over three decades."

    Click image for larger version

Name:	16298953_10158232028660038_1772048465855631688_n.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	66.4 KB
ID:	367659
    Rock! Shock! Pop!

  • #2
    Is this the Bruno Mattei film?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Mark C. View Post
      Is this the Bruno Mattei film?
      Yes, previously released by Media Blasters.
      I'm bitter, I'm twisted, James Joyce is fucking my sister.


      • #4
        It's definitely not my favorite Bruno movie by a long shot. A lot of it is just drawn out with little in the way of amusement through either "so bad it's good" aesthetics or even tits and gore. That is until the ending when some of Bruno's usual B movie charm shows up.

        I'd place this on the lower end of Bruno films.
        "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

        Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Alex K. View Post
          It's definitely not my favorite Bruno movie by a long shot. A lot of it is just drawn out with little in the way of amusement through either "so bad it's good" aesthetics or even tits and gore. That is until the ending when some of Bruno's usual B movie charm shows up.

          I'd place this on the lower end of Bruno films.
          Yeah I agree it's a bad film and even by Mattei standards, who for the most part makes entertaining schlock. I will get it though, cause you has Nuns.


          • #6
            i only watched this one for the Goblin music. think they unofficially did the soundtrack. don't remember anything of the movie but think the Goblin stuff was a mashup of Roller and Il Fantastico Viaggio del Bagarozzo Mark. been a while so i might be wrong about that.

            anyway, similar to Goblin soundtracking Mattei's Hell of the Living Dead...

            and other things.

            i will probably get this cuz i like Goblin. maybe an interview with one of the members could pop up


            • #7
              If I'm not mistaken the movie was directed by Claudio Fragasso but Mattei was credited as the director for some reason.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Alex K. View Post

                I'd place this on the lower end of Bruno films.
                Haha..I am a big fan of Mattei's.....but even I have to admit that it must be pretty far down the cinematic ladder if its down the lower end of his work!!

