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X-Rated Releasing Argento's Phantom Of The Opera

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    Matt H.
    Senior Member

  • Matt H.
    Originally posted by agent999 View Post
    Not looking good for Julian Sands...
    Yeah, I saw that on the news this morning. Weird.

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  • agent999
    Senior Member

  • agent999
    Not looking good for Julian Sands...

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  • Derrick King
    Waterfall Puncher

  • Derrick King
    Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
    And the floodgates of lesser Argento have opened, haha. I'll probably both of them, who am I kidding.
    Apparently Severin has some Argento on tap for 2020. So, assuming it is one he directed and not one he just produced, it'll likely be something like Giallo or Trauma or Do You Like Hitchcock. So, yeah, lesser Argento and yes I'll be getting them all.

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  • fatboyslim142
    Senior Member

  • fatboyslim142
    Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
    From FB:

    Insgeheim seit 2 Jahren habe ich an dieser Verí¶ffentlichung geplant/gewerkelt. Ursprí¼nglich sollte es die ECC#10 werden, jetzt wird es die ECC#20 im April !!
    Die Abtastung haben wir im Werk unserer Wahl vorgenommen und der Film glí¤nzt in nie zuvor gesehener Qualití¤t. Enthalten sein wird erstmalig die italienische unrated-Version!

    Freut Euch auf den letzten in Deutschland auf Blu-ray fehlenden Argento, obendrein als weltweite HD-Premiere!

    Viel SpaíŸ mit dem Trailer!

    And a funky translation of that says:

    Secretly since 2 years ago, I planned to this publication / gewerkelt. It was originally supposed the ECC #10, now it will be the ECC #20 in April!!
    The scanning in the work we have made our choice and the film shines in have never been seen before quality. Will be included for the first time the Italian unrated version!

    So look forward to the last in Germany on Blu-Ray Missing Argento, also as a worldwide HD-Premiere!

    A lot of fun with the trailer!
    Not quite sure about their description of Last Argento on BD (albeit in Germany) considering "Le cinque giornate" has ONLY had a non English friendly Italian DVD release.

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  • Ian Jane

  • Ian Jane
    And the floodgates of lesser Argento have opened, haha. I'll probably both of them, who am I kidding.

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  • Derrick King
    Waterfall Puncher

  • Derrick King
    Ronin Flix posted on facebook that the Scorpion Phantom of the Opera Blu-ray is going on sale later this month (alongside The Card Player)

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  • Ian Jane

  • Ian Jane
    An update on the upcoming Scorpion Blu-ray, from Troy Howarth's FB page:

    "As promised, here is another commentary announcement... I'm well aware that this film is reviled. Nathaniel Thompson and I talk about that while also making a spirited case for its many merits in the course of our track for the upcoming Blu-ray from Scorpion Releasing.

    Everything from the obvious Ken Russell/Fellini influence to the many ballsy choices Argento and Gérard Brach made in adapting the story to the hazards of using rats as masturbatory aids gets a thorough going-over.

    We had a ball talking about this film, and Scorpion is fortunate indeed to have found a couple of people who are eager and willing to stick up for the film!

    As usual...if you're not keen on the film- just be polite and hold your tongue, lest the Phantom decide to rip it out!

    No word on street date yet, but the new transfer looks GORGEOUS. I'm hoping that and our commentary may win over a few more converts!"

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  • Ian Jane

  • Ian Jane
    started a topic X-Rated Releasing Argento's Phantom Of The Opera

    X-Rated Releasing Argento's Phantom Of The Opera

    From FB:

    Insgeheim seit 2 Jahren habe ich an dieser Verí¶ffentlichung geplant/gewerkelt. Ursprí¼nglich sollte es die ECC#10 werden, jetzt wird es die ECC#20 im April !!
    Die Abtastung haben wir im Werk unserer Wahl vorgenommen und der Film glí¤nzt in nie zuvor gesehener Qualití¤t. Enthalten sein wird erstmalig die italienische unrated-Version!

    Freut Euch auf den letzten in Deutschland auf Blu-ray fehlenden Argento, obendrein als weltweite HD-Premiere!

    Viel SpaíŸ mit dem Trailer!

    And a funky translation of that says:

    Secretly since 2 years ago, I planned to this publication / gewerkelt. It was originally supposed the ECC #10, now it will be the ECC #20 in April!!
    The scanning in the work we have made our choice and the film shines in have never been seen before quality. Will be included for the first time the Italian unrated version!

    So look forward to the last in Germany on Blu-Ray Missing Argento, also as a worldwide HD-Premiere!

    A lot of fun with the trailer!