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GARM WARS: The Last Druid (Mamoru Oshii, Lance Henriksen) (2014)

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  • GARM WARS: The Last Druid (Mamoru Oshii, Lance Henriksen) (2014)

    Mamoru Oshii's new English language film will premiere at the Tokyo International Film Festival in October.

    Director: Mamoru Oshii
    Cast: Lance Henriksen, Kevin Durand, Melanie St-Pierre
    It's been 20 years since “Ghost in the Shell” astounded the world. Now, director Mamoru Oshii brings us a new epic feature film, with Hybrid Animation, fusing pioneer CG and live-action technologies.


    Website (almost empty)

  • #2
    Its not on Lance's IMDB list!!

    In a world where clone soldiers from three military tribes are locked in a perpetual battle of air, land and technology, one clone is separated from the battle and finds herself on the run with a group of unlikely companions.


    • #3
      Also, will they REALLY stick with that title???....Makes it sound a bit LORD OF THE RINGS-ish....


      • #4


        • #5
          Visuals look nice.....but will hte story hold up?????

          Also, looks like Lance was probably only there for a day.....seeing as all his bits in the trailer are similar!!!


          • #6

            Some people on twitter have been less kind

            "GARM WARS: THE LAST DRUID... Stick a fork in Oshii, he's DONE." - Don Brown

            "Do you remember how bad, stupid and ugly are Zack Snyder movies ? Well… Oshii's 'GARM WARS The Last Druid' is that bad." - Uzaigaijin

            "Mamoru Oshii's GARM WARS: THE LAST DRUID felt a bit like watching Final Fantasy cut-scenes while really drunk." - James Hadfield

            "Just saw GARM WARS. I, um, err... what??" - Matt Schley

            Then again, the last guy also goes on to say it'a about the same quality as Oshii's other live action films. Keep in mind he has done some brilliant live action work before, like Stray Dogs, which is a near-masterpiece but unfortunately hated by most Oshii fans who complain it doesn't have enough robots and action and they were bored by it. I think it's the second best thing Oshii has ever made (after Ghost in the Shell).

            My fellow Finnish film reviewer, who's a major scifi and genre film specialist, also saw Garm Wars in Tokyo and said it was "pretty awesome".

            In other words, looking forward to this!


            • #7
              Yeah...Oshii even gets to cause a division amongst hi sFANS with some movies...So I reckon the general public should not really get to give an opinion on this one!!!

              Comparing it to a Zack Snyder movie as well as a Final Fantasy movie is pretty random!!


              • #8
                Oshii's live action Patlabor movie doesn't look that bad. I never bothered with the series as the trailers failed to spark much interest, but this might be worth seeing.

                I'm much more looking forward to Garm Wars, though. Unfortunately no release date or anything since the TIFF screening.


                • #9

                  UK BD December 7, 2015.

                  Still no theatrical release in Japan.

                  Meanwhile, he's got another movie in theaters, Nowhere Girl (Tí´kyí´ Mukokuseki Shí´jo) starring Nana Seino.


                  Also, the Patlabor movie is set for a second theatrical release in October, a 27 minute longer Director's Cut. I didn't see the original version, so maybe I'll go see this instead.



                  • #10
                    27 mins longer?? Whatever happened to the 'in 90 mins or less' school of filmaking???

                    Why does every movie make the theater going experience a test of endurance????


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Takuma View Post
                      Meanwhile, he's got another movie in theaters, Nowhere Girl (Tí´kyí´ Mukokuseki Shí´jo) starring Nana Seino.

                      I saw Nowhere Girl (Tokyo mukokuseki shojo) in theatre yesterday and it was pretty interesting. The trailer didn't look good but that might be because it's an extremely difficult movie to advertise. More about that in a moment.

                      Nana Seino (from Tokyo Tribe) stars as an art school student who suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. She's being bullied by other students, her teachers are growing sick of the situation, and she seems to be going crazy. But there's more than meets the eye, and she's more than a little dangerous, as proved by a certain ultra-violent sequence near the end.

                      What we have here is an ultra-slow paced, highly arthouse esque film. I can understand some audiences will be bored to death, and the guy in front of me slept half of the movie, but I found it relatively interesting. It works when Seino is in the frame; not when she isn't. And then we have an ending that should not be spoiled, and indeed, the trailer doesn't spoil it either. But it is a very satisfying ending indeed.

                      Before the final act there also a pretty long, bloody sequence that suffers from some unfortunate CGI blood, but it's a little less distracting than usual and there's also practical effects. And Seino is very impressive in it!

                      So, absolutely not for all audiences, and I can imagine those fans of Oshii to whom his name only equals to Ghost in the Shell complaining (again). But I've always thought his live action work was interesting (Stray Dogs is my favourite; a fantastic movie) and found this to be pretty good as well. And, oh well, maybe a few more people will see it if I mention it includes uncensored female full frontal nudity. Unfortunately not Seino. There's the real disappointment!

                      Senior Member
                      Last edited by Takuma; 08-10-2015, 01:22 PM.


                      • #12
                        Here's another trailer for Nowhere Girl. I'm a little hesitant to post this because I feel it gives away too much. The film basically has two great acts at the end, and this one spoils the first one of them but not the second. But it is sure to sell the film better (and you'll understand my praise for Seino). The earlier trailer doesn't spoil either one and is a pretty safe viewing.

                        So, at your own risk.


                        • #13
                          Garm Wars is finally opening in Japan after 1.5 years... and it seems to have lost 10 minutes and turned into a Japanese language movie in the process. I wonder if there are other differences?

                          New Japanese Trailer:

                          The ad materials all say "Manoru Oshii x Toshio Suzuki", Suzuki being the producer of the "Japanese Version" of Garm Wars. Suzuki also produced almost all Hayao Miyazaki films, and many other Studio Ghibli films.

                          Not happy about the language change, but I still think this looks really interesting.


                          • #14
                            Hahaa, I managed to like it!

                            Garm Wars: The Last Druid (Japan, 2014) [DCP] - 3/5
                            Mamoru Oshii's live action sci-fi fantasy was quite universally panned upon its release. That wasn't necessarily without a reason, but as usual, I found it quite interesting. Oshii has created an entire fantasy universe with its own mythology, strange creatures, odd technology and confusing terminology. It takes a bit of effort from the viewer to even get a grasp of what's going on. It could be described as cheap CGI fantasy - it is a far cry from the likes of Ghost in the Shell - but it's strangely watchable at the same time. It certainly feels like an Oshii film, Kenji Kawai's score is beautiful as usual. Mélanie St-Pierre, Lance Henriksen and Kevin Durand star - yep, it's an English language movie.

                            Originally posted by Takuma View Post
                            The film is finally opening in Japan after 1.5 years... and it seems to have lost 10 minutes
                            I think I was mistaken about this. IMDb and some reviews state 102 min as the running time, but I don't think such version actually exists. I think the 92 minute Japanese version is the only version that was ever made. Tokyo Int. Film Fest (where the film premiered in 2014) page also states 92 minutes.

                            Originally posted by Takuma View Post
                            and turned into a Japanese language movie in the process.
                            I was partly mistaken about this, too. They released both English and Japanese language versions in theatres. I went to see the English version of course.

