Arrow has announced that...
"The Stray Cat Rock collection will be receiving the Arrow Video treatment later this year."
No word on DVD or Blu (I'll assume Blu).
A nice write up on the series at their blog here.
Given that we only got a legit release of Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter in this part of the country, I'd be more than happy to plunk down for a subtitled set.
Oh and the more Meiko Kaiji on Blu-ray the better.
"The Stray Cat Rock collection will be receiving the Arrow Video treatment later this year."
No word on DVD or Blu (I'll assume Blu).
A nice write up on the series at their blog here.
Given that we only got a legit release of Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter in this part of the country, I'd be more than happy to plunk down for a subtitled set.
Oh and the more Meiko Kaiji on Blu-ray the better.