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Classic Kung Fu film with cokehead villain?

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  • Classic Kung Fu film with cokehead villain?

    I've been searching for the name of this title for what seems like forever, and I'm hoping some knowledgeable kung fu film scholar can help.

    Back in the early 1980's, I saw a kung fu film on TV that had a classic villain with long white hair, the goatee mustache, and a sash around his waste where he kept a little box of what I now assume was cocaine. Whenever he started losing a fight, he'd take out the little box, do a bump, and proceed to kick ass. It ends with the hero and he fighting on a beach, and the hero is able to knock the coke box out of the villains hand and kick him into the sea. Freeze frame, the end. And that's about all I remember (and even that may be a bit hazy since I was probably 7 or 8 at the time). I have absolutely no idea what it was called.

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    I thought, briefly, it might be Snuff Bottle Connection but just skimmed it on YouTube and... I think I'm wrong. No cocaine in it and the snuff bottles aren't really used that much.
    Rock! Shock! Pop!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
      I thought, briefly, it might be Snuff Bottle Connection but just skimmed it on YouTube and... I think I'm wrong. No cocaine in it and the snuff bottles aren't really used that much.
      That was the first title I checked as well, purchased & viewed a copy but no dice. That's not it. I'm thinking now I could have seen it in the late 80's, possibly around 1987 or 88 (in my mind I can sort of picture the room I watched it in, but who knows).

