Now....before watching this one i was worried......
While the previous 8 TOMIE movies have ranged from good to bland, none have captured the main feeling of the original manga from Junji was just too weird....
Then, when I realised that the director Noboru Iguchi (famous for machine girl, zombie ass and dead sushi among others) was next to try his hand at it...I was worried...VERY worried....
Probably as I am not a fan of the majority of the directors movies...too "9 yr olds level of humor"....too taking thing s too far in one direction..too much imagination and not enough budget....
So with baited breath i sat down to watch this movie.....
What can I say.....he surprised me by turning in a very good version of TOMIE...probably the best in the series yet....
It is BLOODY (not really scary), WEIRD and isnt very linear storywise...exactly like the "dream" it is supposed to be....It is full of creative ideas and gets as close to the imagery of the comic book as it can....
it starts ff with Tomie' death witnessed by her sister...Then cuts to one year later and the reactions of the family/friends when Tomie again knocks at the door...for the next 45 mins it works up the psychology of Tomie turning everyone violently against each other...Around the 45 min mark it goes VERY WEIRD after they kill her a second time..then NEARLY spoils it with a plot twist that it DOES recover from..and ends extremely weirdly...but the movie plows forward soaking up the weirdness and imagery....
NOW there are a few things that MIGHT put you off..a few bits of CGI are jarring..but as its supposed to be a 'dream' type of movie they are forgivable...and it is not a straightforward story...
The main thing to know about this movie is that the director plays it ABSOLUTELY winks, no silly bits, no guns firing out of asses...although there is a slight nod to REANIMATOR in there...and a bit of BASKET CASE and a few others....
He proved he can make a decent movie when he puts his mind to it.....but that he prefers making his childish flicks like TOILET OF THE DEAD...but thats his decision...
In conclusion, a MUCH better film than SADAKO 3D, a much beter film than it had any right to be....and Noboru Iguchi has done the series proud....I enjoyed it a lot...better than SADAKO was !!