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The Value of Original Japanese Movie Posters (NSFW)

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  • The Value of Original Japanese Movie Posters (NSFW)

    Here’s something I feel I need to share. If you live outside of Japan, you’ve probably seen both eBay sellers and actual poster shops listing old Japanese posters for sale. Prices are frequently in the $150 to $400 range. Are authentic Japanese posters really that valuable? Must be, right?

    Well, generally speaking no. Some are, yes (think of kaiju and tokusatsu), but usually you’re just being ripped off with ridiculous prices. Here’s a perfect example.

    This shop called “Japan Posters” prides of selling “100% original vintage-sourced Japanese movie posters” and being a licensed antique seller. “This license is only issued by the police” they explain. They say their posters are “sourced directly from all four islands of Japan. Our extensive network includes Japanese dealers, multigenerational businesses and collectors, who pride themselves on a Japanese culture of mastery, honesty and a love for poster art” and add “Almost all of our suppliers have this license.”

    Seems like a very respectable shop. And they are not lying. They sell authentic posters. Prices seem justified considering all that, right?

    Here’s one of their new arrivals. The original, authentic Female Prisoner Scorpion: Beast Stable poster. They are selling it for 37,100 yen.

    I thought it looked awfully familiar, and I wasn’t mistaken:

    That’s right. Look at the damage in the corners. It’s the same poster that was sold on f*cking Yahoo Auctions (Japan's equivalent of Ebay) for 10,050yen ($75) two weeks ago. And now this poster shop is selling it for 37,100 yen ($280) for foreigners who don’t have access to Yahoo.

    Fair enough, business is business. They are free to purchase and sell posters for whatever prices. But it’s annoying as hell for fans like me who frequently get outbid on Yahoo Auctions by someone who is willing to pay strangely high prices. Well, now I understand what’s going on.

    Attached screenshots:

    1 &2: "New Arrival" product listing at (screencaptured March 19, 2023)

    3&4: Closed auction product at Yahoo Japan Auctions (closing date: March 3, 2023)

  • #2
    Thanks for posting this Takuma - interesting to know, and probably a fair reflection of the kind of profiteering which goes on in most online collector's markets.

    To spin a quick tangent on this thread:
    I'm by no means a collector of original posters and have never gone out of my way to seek out anything rare or valuable, but on my second visit to Japan circa 2014, I visited the movie poster shop in Nakano Broadway (which I'm sure is far from the best/cheapest place to go for those in the know), and was frankly amazed at how affordable orginal posters for many awesome/cult films were. I didn't have a lot of spare money (or suitcase space) at that point, but still left with a small pile of amazing looking posters for early '70s Toei / Nikkatsu (and one Toho) releases, which are framed in our living room to this day. All for a total price equivalent to, say, a couple of CDs.

    If I'd got home to the UK and put them straight on Ebay, I'm sure I could have racked up a considerable profit, and I'm sure some people do just that - as is certainly the case with Japanese records, toys and goodness knows what other items which are all considered relatively common on the domestic market, but exotic and exciting to us foreigners.
    BW Haggar
    Senior Member
    Last edited by BW Haggar; 03-21-2023, 04:52 PM.


    • #3
      I have bought a few posters from that Nakano Broadway shop too. I heard they closed down, though I haven't confirmed it myself.

      I thought might start posting photos of my posters and new purchases here, together with prince info. Might prove helpful and good future reference for prices. Others are very much welcome to join me.

      For starters, here's my copy of Female Prisoner Scorpion: Beast Stable (1973) B2 poster. Purchased April 2018 for 4,100 yen from Yahoo Auctions. I actually lost 5 or 6 auctions before finally getting it by using my wits and experience (I bid on the more expensive one of the two that were for sale at the same time. Of course, the remaining one then sold for much higher price 24 hours later like I had anticipated). There are pin holes and the bottom of the poster is missing a piece (about 1 cm tall and 10 cm wide) but it's under the bottom mask and hence not visible.

      It's a very beautiful poster and this old photo does not do it justice.

      Speaking of beauties, this Which is Stronger: Karate or the Tiger (1976) tatekan poster is one of my most treasured acquisitions. That is absolutely gorgeous! Purchased from Yahoo Auctions in August 2015 for 3500 yen if my memory serves me correct (I don't have a record of this).


      • #4
        I'm glad the market hasn't dried up but it's shame that prices have gone up. I got most of the posters I desperately wanted and great prices off eBay back in 2017-2019. I still want a "Zatoichi at Large" B2, "Wolfguy" B2 and a "Terrifying Girls' High School" B2. But I've kinda given up. I've been spending too much on movies (and in recent months video games). I've also been spending quite a bit on framing the posters I have.

        I'm kinda interested in getting more B4 posters but probably won't put in the time.

        Jason C
        Senior Member
        Last edited by Jason C; 03-28-2023, 01:56 PM.


        • #5
          I did over-pay for my most sought after poster (For a Few Dollars More) but it was worth every penny. It's mint and beautiful framed.


          • #6
            I love that Which is Stronger: Karate or the Tiger. Absolutely amazing!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jason C View Post
              Tatekan? Got photo? Seems like an absolute steal for that price. I'd love to own one.

              Originally posted by Jason C View Post
              I did over-pay for my most sought after poster (For a Few Dollars More) but it was worth every penny. It's mint and beautiful framed.

              That's a an absolute beauty. I just saw it going for 28,000 yen at Yahoo a few days ago.

              It was sold to... Japan Who else. Expect it to show up on their page next week. I'm guessing the price will be around 80,000 yen.

              Speaking of whom.. they also bought You Only Live Twice tatekan from Yahoo Auctions last week for 201,000 yen... and are now selling it for 707,900 yen



              Japan Poster today

              Yahoo Auctions a week ago

              Japan Poster today

              Yahoo Auctions a week ago


              • #8
                Originally posted by Takuma View Post

                Tatekan? Got photo? Seems like an absolute steal for that price. I'd love to own one.
                It's in fantastic condition. Some very faint creases from being folded, but I don't see any tears or dimples from bein handled. And those faint crease only show up when the light catches them just so. I wish I could frame it but I still have kids in the house and it doesn't fit right now. When they move out I'll get more free with what goes on the walls.

                The top is showing more bleed through on the back and getting more yellow thatn the bottom. I bet it must be from the way I'm storing it. I put the bottom in the plastic sleeve it came with from when I bought it 5 years ago. The top piece I just roll up with it and not in a sleeve. Both are in the PVC pipe it was shipped to me in. I wonder if I need to store it differently and/or make it a bigger priority to get framed.


                • #9
                  That Girl Boss Guerilla is a beauty! One of these days I'm gonna get one for myself.

                  Originally posted by Takuma View Post

                  That's a an absolute beauty. I just saw it going for 28,000 yen at Yahoo a few days ago.

                  It was sold to... Japan Who else. Expect it to show up on their page next week. I'm guessing the price will be around 80,000 yen.

                  Well, that didn't take long. 81,300 yen



                  • #10
                    My Pinky Violence posters part 1: B2's

                    Girl Boss Blues: Queen Bee's Challenge (No record of price and date)
                    Girl Boss: Escape From Reform School (Yahoo Auctions, Jul. 2022, 1.400 yen)

                    Delinquent Girl Boss: Tokyo Drifters (Yahoo Auctions, Oct. 2022, 2.700 yen)
                    Girl Boss Blues: Queen Bee's Challenge (this is a different copy than above, less damaged!) (Yahoo Auctions, Oct. 2022, 7.500 yen)

                    Female Yakuza Tale (Yahoo Auctions, May. 2021, 2.100 yen)

                    Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs (Yahoo Auctions, Jun. 2021, 1.400 yen) (damaged, missing pieces, but mostly not visible from under the mask)
                    Not pinky, but Wolfguy. I've since gotten a new, better quality copy of this.

                    And Female Prisoner Scorpion: Beast Stable (Yahoo Auctions, Apr. 2018, 4.100 yen)

                    Out of these, The Tokyo Drifters, Zero Woman and Beast Stable posters are my favourites. They all look fantastic in real life.
                    Senior Member
                    Last edited by Takuma; 04-02-2023, 11:09 AM.


                    • #11
                      My Pinky Violence posters part 2: Speed Posters and Tatekan Posters

                      Inferno of Torture (Speed) (Yahoo Auctions, Apr. 2017, 1.000 yen)

                      Girl Boss Blues: Queen Bee's Counter-Attack (Speed) (Yahoo Auctions, Jan. 2023, 3.000 yen)

                      Girl Boss: Diamond Showdown (Tatekan) (Yahoo Auctions, Apr. 2017, 1.200 yen. I also have a B2 of this, but no photo)

                      Delinquent Girl Boss: Tokyo Drifters (Tatekan) (Yahoo Auctions, Apr. 2017, 1.200 yen I also have a B2 of this, see previous post)

                      Tokyo Drifters is an absolute stunner. That is one of my most treasured posters together with Karate/Tiger. I can't believe I got it for 1.200 yen. Has brown tape marks, but looks great regardless.


                      • #12
                        Wow. those are all great! Thank you for sharing. Tokyo Drifters is a great one I've wanted to get but its always been expensive (for good reason). And to have a tatekan And the B2 is different enough I'd want that one too.


                        • #13

                          Forgot to mention Girl Boss Blues: Queen Bee's Counter-Attack earlier. Kinda expensive but well worth it. I really like these smaller B4 speed posters. This one is in terrific shape. I don't really have room for a lot of tatekan poster but I think I'd love one for this film.


                          • #14
                            Here's what I have displayed. Other than the "For a Few Dollars More" I've standardized on a frame that kinda looks like steel. It doesn't pop in pictures the way they do in person. It costs around $500 to get a B2 sized poster custom framed.


                            • #15
                              Those all look fantastic! Thanks for the photos!

