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Horrors of Malformed Men & Orgies Of Edo Blu-ray from Arrow

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  • #46
    Here's another review & none of the screen caps have that green tint so maybe it's just some scenes...?

    I'll pick up Malformed Men later as I still own the dvd, which, I have viewed twice. I do know that I expected it to be wilder or more violent but I still liked it.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Rakesh R. View Post
      Dvdbeaver review- It does look a bit too green compared to the older Synapse dvd. Or is it more accurate?-
      Japanese transfers tend to be green in general for some reason. I suspect Synapse did some tweaking, for the better.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Killer Meteor View Post
        Japanese transfers tend to be green in general for some reason.
        I believe that's how the materials often age.

        The BD looks kinda like the old 35mm print I've seen three times in Tokyo although I don't recall it being quite that green. I'm kinda recalling a bit stronger colors as well. I could be mistaken though. It wasn't one of the best Ishii prints anyway. Oh well, something to pay attention to next time...


        • #49
          Might need to cancel this preorder based on those colors.


          • #50
            Got this the other day and while I haven't checked the disc yet, I read the booklet. There's an expectedly entry-level essay on Edogawa Ranpo by Tom Mes where he makes the embarrassing mistake of attributing the "Mirror Hell" segment of "Ranpo Noir" (2006) to Hisayasu Sato when it was in fact directed by Akio Jissoji. (Sato directed "Caterpillar".) I read it while on the toilet and it upset me so much that I almost forgot to wipe!


            • #51
              Watched the synapse dvd last. Great movie. I enjoyed it better than bohachi bushido.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Zaibatan View Post
                entry-level essay on Edogawa Ranpo by Tom Mes where he makes the embarrassing mistake of attributing the "Mirror Hell" segment of "Ranpo Noir" (2006) to Hisayasu Sato when it was in fact directed by Akio Jissoji.
                Actually that essay was written by Jasper Sharp, not Tom Mes. Ah, the irony

                Originally posted by Zaibatan View Post
                I read it while on the toilet and it upset me so much that I almost forgot to wipe!

                Not that Mes gets away clean, though. He makes a strange mistake of claiming that Japanese Hell (1999) and Blind Beast vs. Killer Dward were shot on video and suffer from video aesthetics while in reality only the latter was shot on video and looks like crap. Japanese Hell on the other hand was shot on film and looks great (well, relatively speaking). I've actually seen in it 35mm and it's evident it was shot on film. Maybe Mes downloaded some video cam rip from the internet?


                • #53
                  agreed it's better than bohachi bushido. don't quite understand the reputation that one has, maybe it's attractive cos it's OOP. 'horrors of malformed men' is good, and probably a little naive by exploitation standards - certainly quite lavish look for a cheap film, too.


                  • #54
                    I found it to be quite expressive artistically too. Bohachi is straight up exploitation whereas this one seemed to possess more soul it seemed to me.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Takuma View Post
                      Something weird going on with that "original" art. It's missing all the credits and text (including half of the film's title!) which makes it look strangely naked. And the background is too white.

                      For all the posters who have this already -- so what's the deal? Is the reversible artwork fucked up like takuma mentioned or was it just a mock up and the real cover art has all the credits and text intact?


                      • #56
                        shit, I just realized my previous post made no sense since I forgot to quote that Zaibatsu guy's post. I meant to ask if the reversible cover art for HORRORS OF MALFORMED MEN is the real deal and not some truncated version from Arrow. @Takuma, didn't you receive this already. What's the verdict?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by 47lab View Post
                          I meant to ask if the reversible cover art for HORRORS OF MALFORMED MEN is the real deal and not some truncated version from Arrow.
                          Here's a comparison between the original vintage Toei poster (thanks, Adrian Jones!) and Arrow's reversible art:

                          Arrow removed the cast and crew info from the top left as well as the summary/advertising from the top right. Unlike with STREET MOBSTER, they kept the Japanese title this time.


                          • #58
                            Thanks for the confirmation. Arrow shouldn't be advertising that reversible sleeve as original poster art if it's not and they are removing some elements from it. Too bad they can't leave well enough alone. Btw, I thought your username was Zaibatsu all this time, just realized it's Zaibatan. Apologies.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by 47lab View Post
                              Btw, I thought your username was Zaibatsu all this time, just realized it's Zaibatan. Apologies.
                              No problem.


                              • #60
                                I watched the Malformed BD today. The image is very green indeed. I managed to make it more pleasing by toning down the green and red a fair bit, and boosting contrast a little bit, from my screen settings. The scenes with the strongest tint still remained too green, but many others looked more natural after that. I felt the resulting image was quite ok, though not as good as the old Synapse/Panik House transfer.

                                As far as extras go, I was expecting more from the Kakefuda interview. He doesn't reveal anything too special, hardly even talks about Malformed Men in fact, and the interview is short with too many film clips from Tokugawa Sex Ban and Orgies of Edo.

                                Despite its short comings I do feel these Arrow Toei releases should be supported as much as possible, especially if you don't own the film yet. If you have the Synapse dvd already, then, well, I think it comes down to how much you value the HD resolution.


                                I somehow missed the following post before:

                                Originally posted by Keeth View Post
                                So is Orgies... as violent as the others? That artwork doesn't give much away as what one could expect.
                                Depends on what it is compared to. It leans more towards abnormality shock drama than violence, but it does have some violent shock scenes and a fair bit of ero guro stuff... some of it politically extremely incorrect by today's standards. It even briefly features malformed men...

                                Originally posted by Keeth View Post
                                Yakuza's Law is one I've always wanted to see as I passed up on the dvd back when Xploited Cinema had it.
                                Yakuza's Law on the other hand is extremely violent, Ishii's most violent film in fact. Interestingly it features no ero stuff at all, all the cruelty is imposed on men by other men.
                                Senior Member
                                Last edited by Takuma; 09-27-2018, 10:14 AM.

