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Awesome new poster for Miike's "13 Assassins"
Came out today (hooray!) in the 126 min. edited version (boo!). I'm pretty certain I saw the 141 min. cut on Comcast's On Demand but am not certain (why would that conglomerate get the longer print?). Anyone have any more info about that? I'm having trouble locating anything further about the differences or availability.It's not going to suck itself...
The version I got from Magnolia on Blu-ray was 126 minutes, didn't realize it was chopped down. Watched it last night and loved it. There are 18 minutes of deleted scenes on the disc - I haven't watched them yet but I'm pretty sure that's the material that was cut out of the longer version for the U.S. release. It doesn't offer them in the context of the movie though (which they could have done via seamless branching to make everybody happy).Rock! Shock! Pop!