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Tamakichi Anaru's Women's Flesh: My Red Guts & More Coming From Massacre Video

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  • Tamakichi Anaru's Women's Flesh: My Red Guts & More Coming From Massacre Video

    From FB:

    "You asked for it and we worked for years to finally make it happen. We are extremely proud to announce that we will be handling the first authorized releases of Tamakichi Anaru's WOMEN'S FLESH: MY RED GUTS, TUMBLING DOLL OF FLESH and SUICIDE DOLLS! Throw out those poor quality VHS dub bootlegs and get ready for the first English friendly release of these grotesque classics!"

    Rock! Shock! Pop!

  • #2
    Some gross screen caps!

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    Rock! Shock! Pop!


    • #3
      Click image for larger version

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      Rock! Shock! Pop!


      • #4
        I am not so sure these upgrades are an improvement...imuch prefer watching aa dodgy 10th generation dub of this kind of it a much more decadent "snuff "movie kind of vibe...They seem to lose something when they get cleaned up..they were never meant to be pristine looking....


        • #5
          I remember watching Tumbling Doll of Flesh. It's not terribly interesting. The concept works (for what it is) but as a movie it's terrible. As a shock film you could show to someone without context it achieves what it wanted to achieve.
          "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

          Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


          • #6
            Yes I agree that if you view them as "movies" in the most common understanding of the term then I would agree they are not terribly intersting BUT ss a genre unto themselves movies like these, Red Room etc etc are as well done as they probably could be in that they are primarily realistic SFX related low budget gore movies...also I dont think they were ever supposed to be released outside Japan where there are literally 100s of these straight to video gore movies ..especially from that time period.and them to your friends as "shock" pieces to the uninitiated..


            • #7
              Shipping now from the MV website.

              Click image for larger version

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ID:	351881
              Rock! Shock! Pop!


              • #8
                I was thinking these dvd's may be cool to own but I seriously doubt I'd view the films more than once. They'd just look cool on the shelf

                I'd lose it if Massacre were to announce Death Files or Death Women...


                • #9
                  Whatever happened with the release of SUICIDE DOLLS? WOMEN'S FLESH: MY RED GUTS and TUMBLING DOLL OF FLESH got their release but SUICIDE DOLLS remains MIA.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Zaibatan View Post
                    Whatever happened with the release of SUICIDE DOLLS? WOMEN'S FLESH: MY RED GUTS and TUMBLING DOLL OF FLESH got their release but SUICIDE DOLLS remains MIA.
                    Good question. I can't find an answer anywhere?


                    • #11
                      Did they ever say why the release of SUICIDE DOLLS didn't happen?


                      • #12
                        Suicide Dolls is on Massacre's slate for this year.


                        • #13
                          Apparently this is still "upcoming":

                          Click image for larger version

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