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Savage Fury Triple Feature

    Ian Jane

  • Savage Fury Triple Feature

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    Released by: Alpha Blue Archives
    Released on: April 16th, 2024.
    Director: Mark Carriere/Tina Marie/Rex Cabo
    Cast: Christy Canyon, April Maye, Bunny Blue, Kimberly Kane, Letha Weapons
    Year: 1985/1989/1994

    Savage Fury Triple Feature – Movie Review:

    Alpha Blue Archives offers up all three of the infamous Savage Fury movies from the nineties on one triple feature DVD.

    Savage Fury:

    Directed by Mark Carriere, who co-wrote with Tina Maria, 1985’s Savage Fury, a XXX camcorder epic, opens with a group of five coeds - Sandra (Christy Canyon, who looks amazing here), Tammy (April Maye), Lenore (Bunny Bleu), Lanie (Josephine Carrington) and Sondra (Beverly Bliss) - walking around and minding their own business. A group of guys, made up of Clint (Rick Savage) and his pals (Craig Roberts, David Sanders, Tony Martin and Peter North), shows up and harasses them a bit. One of the girls slaps one of the guys and they send them on their way. All would seem to be fine, until later that night the guys break into the dorm at ‘Central State University’ where the girls are living and rape them all.

    From here, the movie jumps one year into the future. Sondra has found out where the guys hang out and she thinks that the girls should get revenge. How? By posing as hookers, seducing them, and then wasting them.

    The rape scene makes up a lot of the movie's running time and it starts off fairly rough. Of course, this being a XXX movie, as the scene goes on, cutting back and forth between the different couplings in two separate rooms, the girls start to seem to, if not enjoy it, at least give up on fighting back. Once the revenge plot is put into action, and the second round of sex scenes plays out, it is edited in a similar fashion, cutting back and forth. These later scenes aren't rough like the earlier ones are, they're played like typical XXX material from the era.

    It all leads up to a pretty fantastic finale where - spoiler alert - the girls bust out some machine guns and give the guys the payback that the sex was all leading up to. It's a bit of a Wild Bunch ending, really, with plenty of squibs and machine gun sound effects in play (though why the girls felt the need to seduce the guys before killing them is ponderous, they could have just shot them and be done with hit).

    Full of big hair and bad acting, Savage Fury cares not one iota for political correctness and definitely plays the rape scene for erotic purposes. As such, this is clearly not a movie for all tastes but it’s also pretty hard to take most of this seriously. Still, it’s bound to offend plenty in the modern age, which is completely fair given the length of the rape scene and how it’s shot and edited.

    That said, this is a pretty entertaining movie even if the bulk of it is just two really long sex scenes. It isn’t especially well-shot but the cinematography is ok. They music is very much of its era and fairly hokey, and the dialogue is delivered in a wonderfully stilted manner by pretty much every one of the cast members. The splat-tastic finale is what really makes this one stand out from the pack, and while it’s obviously not going to be on the level of a big budget, Hollywood-style shoot out or a John Woo style bullet ballet scene, it’s pretty fun to see the bad guys get their just desserts what with all of the slow motion carnage on display.

    Savage Fury II:

    This first sequel picks up where the original movie left off. Sandra and her crew - Candy (Kimberly Kane), Gina (Tianna) and Sandy (Mandy Wine) - were all arrested and tossed into prison but when the F.B.I. needs help shutting down a human trafficking ring, they let the girls out of the big house on the condition that they help with this top secret mission. But before that happens, Sandra has to take care of a prison guard (Blake Palmer) wearing one of those super cool coral necklaces that you bought on your vacation to Florida with you parents when you were eleven. Anyway, this happens in an interrogation room, which seems like a good spot for a sex scene to be staged, since it has a table and all.

    The men in charge of this operation are Agent Masters (Ron Jeremy) and Agent Preston (Randy West) and the plan is to have the girls pose as models so that they can infiltrate a modelling agency run by Sam Palmer (Tony Montana) and his pal Roger (Wayne Summers) that is actually a front for the operation. The girls use their feminine charms to convince the guys that they’re legit models and get down to business.

    And of course, before it’s all over, Masters and Preston will get it on with the girls as well, but not before Sandra and Gina spend some quality alone time together.

    There’s no rape/revenge aspect to this second film but it does once again include some slow motion shoot out action that’s just as wonderfully goofy as the first movie in that department. The sex is all fairly average and not especially remarkable and Ron Jeremy looks greasier than usual here for some reason, but Canyon is in fine form. No one in the movie is especially good in terms of their acting ability but it’s goofy enough to be passably enjoyable. The rudimentary plot comes second to the sex scenes, which are reasonably well-shot. There’s some basic production values here and more wonky music but nothing that really makes it stand out as a classic, though those with an affinity for eighties kitsch will appreciate the big hair and tacky wardrobe choices on display.

    A few other observations:

    -The opening credits sequence plays out over a highlight reel comprised of footage from the movie you’re about to watch, so it’s a bit of a spoiler.
    -Christy Canyon, who still looks great here, gets to wear as much makeup as she wants in prison.
    -The office that the traffickers use doesn't seem like a very good hideout for their criminal organization but it does have a lot of books in it and a small bar with a bottle of what looks like Cutty Sark on it.
    -Rad lesbian sex can and does happen anywhere, anytime and in any place, so watch out.
    -There's a lot of pink in the rooms where this movie was shot, and no, that is not a double entendre.
    -When two of the undercover girls get busted by the bad guys and subsequently tied to a chair, it's very easy to save them just by sort of showing up.
    -Randy West's whiskey of choice is Black Velvet.

    Savage Fury #3:

    Ridiculous breast implants! That’s the order of the day with this third and final entry in the Savage Fury series, this time directed by Rex Cabo. It stars a guy named Moose and another guy named Sir Spank A Lot but more importantly than that, it stars Letha Weapons, a curvy gal possessed of those aforementioned silicone enhancements, a pair so stupendously big it’s a wonder she can stand up.

    When the movie begins, Ron Jeremy, still greasy, is getting it on with Holly Heat in a tackily decorated yellow room. They finish up and we cut to Ms. Weapons fooling around with Tony Martino on a couch in another home somewhere in what is probably California. The movie is half over at this point and there’s no discernable plot to discuss….

    ….until a woman, played by C.J. Bennett, is alone in a home with a giant bear skin run in front of a fireplace. She's clad in some wonderfully tacky red lingerie and complains audibly to herself about how horny she is! One phone call later and mere seconds later she's going down on a dude who looks like he just tried out for the band Living Color (he looks kinda like the singer). They have sex on that aforementioned rug and then another dude joins in, followed by another and yet another. At this point, she might be doing the entire band all at the same time. The guys occasionally high five one another, which is always a nice touch.

    OK, still no plot but we get another phone call, talking to someone on the other end about sticking something “up his butt.” She’s wearing a necklace with some fake bones on it and wearing a strap on that she lubes up while continuing to moan and groan into the phone. She, too, is apparently pretty horny. For some reason there's a basketball on the floor nearby. Anyway, a chubby dude with a mullet shows up and as one thing leads to another, she pegs him. Then a guy in a bandana arrives and has sex with her.

    THE END!

    Completely devoid of plot, there’s no reason for this to have been marketed as a sequel to either of the two earlier movies. Despite the fact that Ron Jeremy is in it, it doesn’t tie into either of those storylines at all, it’s just a handful of uninspired sex scenes that take place in tacky looking rooms with goofy looking performers. There’s some comedic value to be gleaned from the movie, but nothing approaching erotic. Production values are limited and the whole thing feels rushed and cheaply assembled.

    Savage Fury Triple Feature – DVD Review:

    All three movies on the DVD are presented in their original 1.33.1 aspect ratios and taken from tape sources (which is what they were shot on). The quality mirrors the screen caps below, expect things to look soft and a little wobbly at times. Colors are okay but can get murky, skin tones can sometimes look a little too hot or too pink. It’s watchable enough and not likely to look much better anytime soon, as movies shot on tape are always going to look like movies shot on tape.

    The English language Dolby Digital Mono sound mixes are on par with the video presentation – it won’t blow you away but it’ll do. Some hiss and background noise is omnipresent but that’s to be expected. Most of the time, the truly gripping dialogue is pretty easy to understand and follow and the levels are fine. There aren’t any subtitles included here, but there isn’t much of a plot to any of the three movies so you really won’t need them even if you are hard of hearing.

    There are no extras on the disc, just static menus offering feature and scene selection.

    Savage Fury Triple Feature - The Final Word:

    Alpha Blue Archives’ DVD release of Savage Fury Triple Feature is barebones and the presentations aren’t going to ‘wow’ you, but it is cool to have all three movies from the series on one disc. The first movie is notorious for some pretty valid reasons and the second is entertaining in a hokey, kitschy sort of way while the third film… well, let’s just forget about that one as its truly awful. But hey, Christy Canyon! Hooray!

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