Conan The Slayer #6
Released by: Dark Horse Comics
Released on: January 25th, 2017.
Written by: Cullen Bunn
Illustrated by: Sergio Davila
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“Young Taraslan, new hetman of the Kozaks, must bring to justice his traitorous brother, Kyrylo, who murdered their father to usurp the leadership of the Kozaks. Taraslan, Conan, Oksana, and a detachment of Kozak warriors pursue Kyrylo to a ruined keep, where the traitor waits with the
demon who bestowed dark powers upon him. When Conan goes on ahead to investigate the ruins, Taraslan steals into the keep to take vengeance upon Kyrylo. Meanwhile a demon-raised army of the dead bars Conan's way, and a furious battle ensues. Aided by the efforts of Oksana and the Kozaks, Conan manages to enter the fortress and kill the turncoat Kyrylo, but he is too late to save Taraslan.â€
Jehungir Agha broods in his palace in Kharwarizm, for he is not convinced that the Kozaki men have been slaughtered as easily as his spies tell him they have been. He's concerned that whoever replaces their recently deceased leader will be an even bigger thorn in his side, planning and launching raids against his people knowing full well that they didn't stand a chance against his army, the army that serves his master, Yezdigerd. His advisor, Ghaznavi, makes a fair point, however- they've gone through three leaders in a short period of time and with no warlord in charge, they are weak.
Cut to what's left of the Kozak forces, gathered around a funeral pyre watching Taraslan's corpse turn to ash. Conan is among them, paying his last respects to a boy who had become his friend. As Conan sets out to leave, the lovely Oksana calls him on it - she knows they need him but is upset that Taraslan died under Conan's watch. Their conversation is cut short when an arrow pierces the neck of the man standing next to him. They're under attack by a gang of black clad assassins.
Conan runs into the fray while Oksana rallies the troops. As Conan slashes his way through the horde, he recognizes the leader of this group, even though a mask conceals his identity. But the Turanian assassins made a mistake attacking during a funeral, for in doing so, by interrupting a sacred rite, they have awoken something fair more difficult to do battle with than a simple Cimmerian with a sword… come not only to lay waste to his foes but also to name his successor!
Another solid entry in Cullen Bunn's run on Conan, this sixth issue resolves some of the plot points from the first five issues while opening up a few more. There's a pretty neat twist here that takes place after the battle and of course, the last few pages provide a bit of a cliffhanger, the kind that ensures we'll be back next issue to see where this is all headed. Bunn's not reinventing the wheel here, his take on Conan is pretty traditional but he writes the characters that populate this world well and he does a fine job of mixing up elements of fantasy, action and horror in decent servings with some appreciable character development worked in to anchor the story.
Sergio Davila's artwork remains as good as it's ever been. There's nice detail here and some really strong panel layouts and character design work. The fantastic creatures look appropriately otherworldly while the humans are expressive and dramatic with their facial expressions and body language. Michael Atiyeh's coloring work complements this really nicely, helping to bring Conan's world to life in vivid detail without crushing out the detail in the penciling work.