Published by: Image Comics
Released on: Dec. 03, 2014
Writer: Frank J. Barbiere
Artist: Chris Mooneyham
Cover artist: Chris Mooneyham
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While Fabian gets back to his trek through Romania, his thoughts are on finding his friend and Sebastian, who was kidnapped back at the end of the last story which concluded in issue #12. The kidnap victim has woken up to find himself shackled in a dank dungeon cell, and there is a doctor there who can't be up to any good. But as Sebastian is in the dark, both literally and figuratively, so is the reader and we will have to wait another issue to see what happens next. That's okay though, as there is plenty of action in this issue concerning the hero of the story, Mr. Possessed by Literary Characters himself.
Fabian Gray is a good man, and last issue he helped a little boy out. This time a lady is in peril. She's not really a lady though, as he quickly finds out, and she has lots of friends. It takes more than just his power of the samurai and the magic of Merlin to get out of his dilemma and that extra bit of help comes in the form of a bearded stranger who's pretty skilled with weapons himself. The two fight side by side, but before the stranger can introduce make an introduction or warn Fabian of certain tricks these creatures employ, Fabian once again runs to the aid of someone in peril. He might wish he didn't. And when a certain ghost sees an opportunity to possess Fabian, he might actually take it.
Lots of high-action in this one, with some great steel-on-monster flesh violence that is of course masterfully captured by Chris Mooneyham. Due to the volume of action in this issue, there's a lot of large panels and splash page work to behold, so it reads really fast due to less dialogue. Make sure you slow down and drink in what this dude's doing. And then there's his covers, which never fail to impress and intrigue. Regarding the story, it will be interesting to meet this new character and see what's up with him, and it will be great to see more on the one behind the trap Fabian strolled right into. It/he/she was handing out “medicine†to people last issue, but no more info on what the Spy Vs. Spy-looking creature is all about. We get one page this issue with a peek at the thing, but only enough to whet the appetite. Next issue can't hit the stands soon enough.