Madman In Your Face 3D Special Starring Frank Einstein
Published by: Image Comics
Published on: November 26th, 2014.
Written by: Michael Allred
Art by: Michael Allred
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Written and illustrated by Michael Allred, colored by Laura Allred and converted into 3D by Christian LeBlanc, the massive eighty-page Madman In Your Face 3D Special Starring Frank Einstein is a true work of quirky pop-art beauty. It starts off with a pretty neat one page strip called 'Madman In Slumberland' in which we see our titular character wax poetic about dreaming and the inevitability of death.
From here we move on to the first main story, 'Swiped From Dimension X!', a story originally told in 2007 in Madman: Atomic Comics #3. Mister Excitement shows up and urges Frank to follow him but he's not having any of it. He doesn't think any of this is real - but when Excitement brings girlfriend Joe into the mix, he agrees. From here they have to 'burn out all of the fiction that's been buried in your subconscious and to do so they travel through a series of panels, each illustrated in the style of a famous comic book/strip artist - all of this to allow his astral body to reconnect with his physical body. They have to keep voyaging through comic book land until they reach 'some kind of certainty' but really, it's an excuse to show off a whole lot of awesome panel layouts and artwork and as this plays out, we're treated to some seriously funny dialogue between the two about the merits of reality and existence, a seriously flawless barrage of philosophy in sequential art form!
MEANWHILE… Joe and Gillespie and the others prepare to launch Frank's physical body into the cosmos. While Frank may think that time is on his side, Excitement tells him that's not entirely accurate - and obviously he's right.
This segues into a story called 'Become Like They Are from Madman: Atomic Comics #9' (the world's biggest comic book panel!) from 2008. Here Frank is running through the streets of a city (Snap City? Or possibly somewhere in New Jersey, if the presence of a certain Secret Stash in the background is anything to go by!), chasing after It Girl - she got zapped and then whooshed off by some flying fishy-lipped beasts - what are these beasts up to and why aren't they eating people? He and Mr. Gum try to sort that out while Frank wonders aloud to his friend about whether or not his selfishness is part of the reason that all of this is happening. They bond as they work together and Frank shares with him some details of his plan. As the monsters try to take off with It Girl, Philip shows up to help as well as Dorrie and Adam - The Atomics will save the day!
On top of that, this issue also features a completely awesome Madman pin-up gallery featuring full page original pieces by Marcos Martin, Paolo Rivera and Joe Rivera, Emma Rios, Jae Lee and June Chung, Eduardo Risso, Ming Doyle, Joe Quinones, Maris Wicks, Nick Dragotta, Ian Bertram, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire, Andrew Robinson, Sean Gordon Murphy, Jenny Frison, Matthew Allison, Aaron Conley and Logan Faerber, Clive Goodyer, Paolo Leandri, Becky Cloonan and last but not least, Bob Burdan and Michael Allred. That's a lot of high quality Madman pin-up art right there.
But wait, that's not all! As the book finishes up we get a new short where Frank and the rest of The Atomics save some people from a sink hole which leads to his wondering what's up a shifty publisher who is taking parts of his life and turning them into hot selling books! Of course, the publisher is not who he seems…
So the two main stories in this issue will obviously be pretty familiar to long time Madman readers but seeing them in 3D really does make a huge difference here. The 3D effects work incredibly well in both stories (at least in digital format, which is what we've been given to review) and those old school red and blue glasses (physical copies will include a special pair of Madman 3D glasses) definitely bring out a lot of depth and dimensionality that obviously just can't be there in the regular versions. Christian LeBlanc has done a phenomenal job here, ensuring that the obvious things like flying fists or zipping spaceships come at you the way you'd expect them to. Maybe more impressive though is how he brings out a lot of the background details into the foreground just enough to keep your eyes moving from one panel to the next to see what's going to 'move' in the story. It's pretty wild stuff and whole lot of fun to read and to look at. Allred's artwork is always a treat and it's amazing to compare the complexity of the layout work here to some of his really early material just to see how his strengths as an artist have grown over the years without letting go of what I guess you would say is his trademark style. The stories here are definitely unorthodox but when you read a Madman comic, why would you expect any less?
The massive selection of pin-ups from a gaggle of seriously talented people and the additional all new short help to round this out nicely, and hey on that back page you can cut along the dotted lines and make your own Madman 3D cube! When it's all said and done this is eighty pages of absolutely awesome comic book madness. You should buy it and read it and love it to death.