Released by: Dark Horse Comics
Released on: May 21, 2014
This storyline is based on the Clone Wars animated series from season 6, with Darth Maul being found alive but driven mad by his demise. His former Sith master, Sidious, has rejected him and killed his brother, Oppress, as well. But Maul's vengeance burns deeply and so he assembles a rough crew of Hutts, Mandalorians, and other crime lords to his cause.

This story opens with Maul in captivity, being taunted by Sidious and his new acolyte, Count Dooku. But his imprisonment doesn't last long as he's soon daringly freed by some Mandalorians who return him to their new home planet. However, it's Sidious and Dooku who are letting him get this far as they are actually after the Dathomir witch, Mother Talzin. It was she who had intially given Maul over to this master long ago and, despite a devastating attack by Gen. Grievous' forces, she's clearly survived and resurrected Maul.

Dooku then gives Grievous orders to pursue Maul to where they've tracked him and to attack him but only leave him wounded in some capacity so that he'll seek out the witch's help. Grievous is happy enough to comply and does just that, exterminating all of the remaining Mandalorian supporters. Maul, defeated, sends in his fighters to bomb them all and with which to make his escape. Grievous reports in to Dooku, openly questioning this whole approach but Dooku shuts him down, knowing that their plan has yet to reach its full extent…

Writer Jeremy Barlow does a good job of filling in a new story based on one started in another series and medium. The action comes fast and dominates the pages, allowing artist Juan Frigeri to demonstrate his abilities to their fullest extent. Even if you're aren't up to speed with the animated series' stories you can still confidently hop into this series as it explores a very unique and interesting character in the Star Wars universe.